Go ahead and search on YouTube for “best home coming movie scenes.” You know what shows up in the top 3 results? This very scene from the classic World War II film, The Best Years of Our Lives. Now, I personally have not seen this movie – which is surprising as I am quite fond of old classics (queue Casablanca). But I did watch this particular scene and what struck me the most (spoiler alert!) is that the first person to see the father return home isn’t the wife, but the son, followed soon thereafter by the daughter.

While the quality of the film isn’t as picture perfect as the latest J.J. Abrams or Steven Spielberg film, this classic captures the look and feel of the age old experience of a soldier returning home from war. And there is still a lot that can be appreciated by pure cinematography without the Hollywood special effects.

In the end, we will leave the decision on which film deserves the #YourHome award most – but you will need to make sure to vote, and vote often. Voting will be available until 12 a.m. EST on 2/25 at Coldwell Banker’s Blue Matter Blog, and don’t forget to catch the Oscars on Sunday, March 2, where we will be debuting our second TV ad for 2014.

If you’ve seen The Best Years of Our Lives, or feel another movie captures the soldier returning home experience better than this movie, let us know in the comments below, or on our Facebook page.